Our partnership has contributed to a sustained shift in safety culture. Over the last three years, Neptune Energy’s operational and process safety KPIs have improved and colleagues feel more positive about safety management.
Improving safety for all
We created a campaign using film, animation and team conversation resources, all built on a clear call to action:
make it safe, make it safer.
Our work included…
A fictional documentary exploring the aftermath of a hypothetical disaster at a fictitious site, and what the
emotional, psychological and organisational fallout
might be.
Creative storytelling pieces linked to the anniversaries of industry disasters such as Texas City and Macondo, using
film, animation, panel discussions and long-read articles to investigate the causes and highlight potential lessons.
Leader toolkits and guides to building psychological safety, so people felt able to speak up about safety issues.
Blogs, articles and infographics focused on key safety practices, to prompt discussion and share information.
Make it safe, make it safer
Independent E&P company, Neptune Energy takes a robust and ambitious communications approach to deliver long term safety improvements.
The challenge was communicating with smart, experienced industry professionals who have heard it all before.
Keeping safety front of mind
Helping Neptune Energy think, speak and act on safety
Since we started,
Neptune Energy has seen improvements in process safety events and total recordable injury rate (TRIR) reduction. And the programme has engaged thousands of people across the business, sparking ongoing, action-oriented conversations about safety.
Excellence in HSEQ is one of our core values at Neptune Energy, so getting the Safety Culture right is so important to us.
The strategic guidance and creative talent of the Ipsos Karian & Box team has allowed us to provide a wealth of HSEQ resources that have been used at our annual HSE day, numerous safety meetings
and, most importantly, by
the operational teams when completing safety briefings
at site.
The material has enabled more detailed conversations to be undertaken on a range of safety topics and has contributed towards us achieving further improvements in our safety performance.
We’d love to hear from you to discuss your challenges and to share our views on how we could work together to solve them.
Get in touch today to discover
what we can do for you.
Get in touch
Simon Taylor,
Director of Global HSEQ, Neptune E&P UK Ltd
How could we tell safety stories that would have a real and meaningful impact?